
Turbulence and condensate 2/2 -Cours du département- (video)

Infos Complémentaires

13h30 - Pièce 236 - 2ème étage
29 rue d’Ulm, Paris
Contact: benjamin.huard@ens.fr, aleksandra.walczak@ens.fr

Gregory Falkovich Weizmann Institute for Science, Israel - Jeudi 3 octobre.

This second lecture is in principle independent of the first one. It is devoted to
interaction of turbulence and the mode coherent across the system which we call
condensate. Examples will be taken from fluid turbulence (where condensate is a
big vortex) to optics and BEC. The main focus is on how turbulent inverse cascade
can feed the condensate and how the condensate modifies turbulence, including
unexpected phase transitions. We also discuss more practical issues like what
drives weather changes.


You can also watch this video on the multimedia site ENS:savoirs.ens.fr

13h30 - Pièce 236 - 2ème étage
29 rue d’Ulm, Paris
Contact: benjamin.huard@ens.fr, aleksandra.walczak@ens.fr