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QED in a pencil trace
Konstantin Novoselov (School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Manchester)

Infos Complémentaires

Ces séminaires ont lieu le jeudi à 13h30 en salle de conférence IV au 2ème étage du batiment dit "de chimie".

Jeudi 18 octobre 2007 (Présentation ppt en bas de page).

When one writes by a pencil, thin flakes of graphite are left on a surface. Some of them are only one angstrom thick and can be viewed as individual atomic planes cleaved away from the bulk. This strictly two dimensional material called graphene was presumed not to exist in the free state and remained undiscovered until the last year. In fact, there exists a whole class of such two-dimensional crystals. The most amazing things about graphene probably is that its electrons move with little scattering over huge (submicron) distances as if they were completely insensitive to the environment only a couple of angstroms away. Moreover, whereas electronic properties of other materials are commonly described by quasiparticles that obey the Schrödinger equation, electron transport in graphene is different : It is governed by the Dirac equation so that charge carriers in graphene mimic relativistic particles with zero rest mass.

Documents joints

Ces séminaires ont lieu le jeudi à 13h30 en salle de conférence IV au 2ème étage du batiment dit "de chimie".