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Magnetism and superconductivity

Accès rapides

Accès rapides

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Stages M1 ICFP

Actualités : Séminaire de Recherche ICFP
du 14 au 18 novembre 2022 :

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Contact - Secrétariat de l’enseignement :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60


Enseignants : D. Roditchev (ESPCI), V. Repain (UPD), Indranil PAUL (UPD)

Chargé de TD :

Nombre d’ECTS : 6

Langue d’enseignement : Anglais

Modalité d’examen : Soutenance TP + Ecrit

Description :

Abstract. Superconductivity and magnetism are among the most fascinating phenomena in physics, widely used in modern technology. Superconductivity and magnetism manifest themselves macroscopically, but they both have characteristic microscopic spatial and energy scales and deep microscopic quantum roots. An appropriate quantum mechanical description of both phenomena is therefore required to understand various quantum effects related to these two topics. This comprehension enables one to design superconducting, magnetic or hybrid systems in which the interplay between superconductivity and magnetism leads to novel quantum phenomena.
Lessons (28 hours) :
Part 1. Superconductivity, 14 hours :
1. Superconductivity and related phenomena : One century of major discoveries.
2. Manifestation of superconductivity. Phenomena and properties. First theoretical considerations.
3. Ginzburg-Landau theory. Order parameter. Characteristic length scales. Vortex.
4. Cooper pairs. BCS theory of superconductivity. Quasiparticle excitation spectrum. Tunneling. Josephson effect.
5. High-Tc superconductors. Unconventional superconductivity.
6. Superconductivity at nano-scale.
7. State of the art and challenges in superconductivity.
Part 2. Magnetism, 14 hours :
1. The story of spin : From thermodynamics to quantum mechanics.
2. From microscopic to macroscopic magnetism. Atomic magnetism. Localized versus itinerant magnetism. Phase transitions in magnetism.
3. Low dimensional magnetism : From micromagnetism to nanomagnetism. Issues and opportunities in magnetic recording.
4. Few open questions in modern magnetism. New magnetic metamaterials. Quantum magnetism.
Tutorials (TD), 12 hours (6 x 2 hours).
Laboratory, 16 hours (2 works, 2 x half-day each) :
1. First project (8 hours) : Growth and patterning of Josephson junctions. Transport measurements : 1-superconducting transition R(T, B, I), 2- I(V) DC-characteristics of Josephson junctions, Jc(T, B).

2. Second project (8 hours) : Growth of magnetic layers. Characterization by magneto-optics, Magnetic Force Microscopy and SQUID. Magneto-resistance measurements.

Accès rapides

Prochain Séminaire de la FIP :
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Retrouvez toutes les informations pour vos stages :
Stages L3
Stages M1 ICFP

Actualités : Séminaire de Recherche ICFP
du 14 au 18 novembre 2022 :

Retrouvez le programme complet

Contact - Secrétariat de l’enseignement :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60
