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News : ICFP Research seminars
November 14 - 18, 2022 :
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Experimental Internship - Undergraduate program
Master ICFP first year Internship
News : ICFP Research seminars
November 14 - 18, 2022 :
All information about the program
Contact us - Student support and Graduate School office :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60
Enseignants : Florent Perez (UPMC) et Benoît Eble (UPMC)
Chargé de TD :
Nombre d’ ECTS : 3
Langue d’enseignement : Anglais
Description :
This course aims at giving modern theoretical foundations and frame works of spin physics in low dimensional systems (<3D), both for individual and collective behaviours of spins, such as to be prepared for modern phenomena and studies at the research level. Experimental tools and mechanisms to excite, inject and probe spin degrees of freedom, will also be detailed.
Link with other courses : « Condensed Matter Theory », « Magnetism and superconductivity », «Fundamentals of nanostructures » .
I – Theoretical foundations (10h CM, 6h TD) (F. Perez)
1. Fundamental interactions : Pauli’s principle, Coulomb exchange, Hyperfine interaction, spin-orbit interaction, magnetic interaction. Localized spins and itinerant spins. Conductors and insulators.
2. Theory of spin linear response functions : spin susceptibilities, équations of motions, Random Phase Approximation, local spin density approximation, correlations. Fluctuation-dissipation theorem, spin-correlations functions.
3. Static susceptibility, paramagnetism and ferromagnetic transition, Stoner instablity. Mermin-Wagner theorem.
4. Collective dynamics, Goldstone theorem, Larmor’s theorem
II- Real systems and phenomena (6h CM, 4h TD) (F. Perez 4hCM, 2hTD ; B. Eble 2hCM, 2hTD)
5. Systems : magnetic semi-conductors, two-dimensional systems, quantum dots
6. Spin-orbit interaction : relaxation and conservation laws. Spin injection and Inverse Faraday effect, optical spin-orbite torque, spin-orbit-tronique.
7. Spin Hall effect and Inverse Spin Hall effect, spin transistors.
8. Spin in quantum dot, hyperfine coupling.
9. Intricate spin states, spin-based quantum information.
III- Experimental tools (4h CM) (F. Perez)
10. Kerr rotation, time resolved experiments
11. Impulsive Raman, transient spin-gratings techniques
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Access to the program
Here you can find information about your internships:
Experimental Internship - Undergraduate program
Master ICFP first year Internship
News : ICFP Research seminars
November 14 - 18, 2022 :
All information about the program
Contact us - Student support and Graduate School office :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60