
Tests of quantum mechanics and gravitation with atom interferometry

Mark Kasevich (Stanford University) — December 12, 2017

Abstract :
Recent de Broglie wave interference experiments with atoms have achieved wavepacket separations as large as 54 cm over time intervals of 2 sec [1, 2]. These experiments, and their impact on gravitational and quantum physics, will be discussed.

- [1] Kovachy, T. et al. Quantum superposition at the half-metre scale. Nature 528, 530–533 (2015)
- [2] Asenbaum, P. et al. Phase Shift in an Atom Interferometer due to Spacetime Curvature across its Wave Function. Physical Review Letters 118, (2017)

Biography :
Mark Kasevich is a Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Stanford University. His current research interests are centered on the development of quantum sensors of rotation and acceleration based on cold atoms, application of these sensors to tests of General Relativity, investigation of many-body quantum effects in Bose condensed vapors, investigation of quantum-enhanced imaging and measurement methods, and investigation of ultra-fast laser-induced phenomena. He co-founded AOSense, Inc. (2004) and serves as the company’s Consulting Chief Scientist.

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