
System biophysics

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Here you can find information about your internships:
Experimental Internship - Undergraduate program
Master ICFP first year Internship

News : ICFP Research seminars
November 14 - 18, 2022 :

All information about the program

Contact us - Student support and Graduate School office :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60

Faculty : Philippe Nghe (ESPCI) Clément Nizak (CNRS, ESPCI) et Aleksandra Walczak (CNRS, LPT, ENS)

Tutor :

ECTS credits : 3

Language of instruction :

Description :

1. Growth and Metabolism
2. Growth and Reproduction
3. Gene Regulation
4. Large Scale Networks
5. Self-Organization principles
6. Physical limitations and optimization principles in biology
7. Molecular noise.
8. The basics of evolution
9. Experimental evolution and evolutionary inference
10.Statistical mechanics of evolution

Quick links

Next student seminar :
Access to the program

Here you can find information about your internships:
Experimental Internship - Undergraduate program
Master ICFP first year Internship

News : ICFP Research seminars
November 14 - 18, 2022 :

All information about the program

Contact us - Student support and Graduate School office :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60