
Statistical physics

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November 14 - 18, 2022 :

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Physique de la matière condensée / Soft matter and biological physics / Physique Quantique = COURS OBLIGATOIRE

Enseignants : Emmanuel Trizac, Martin Lenz et Frédéric Van Wijland

Chargé de TD :

Nombre d’ECTS : 6

Langue d’enseignement : Anglais

Description :

I Introduction to phase transitions and critical phenomena
1- The problems raised by phase transitions, from a statistical
mechanics perspective
2- Classification of phase transitions
3- Ising model : why ?
4- Order parameter and symmetry breakdown
5- Local order and correlation functions : from magnets to liquids

II First order phase transitions
1- Unstable isotherms, double-tangent and Maxwell construction
2- Spinodal and binodal
3- Changing ensembles
4- van der Waals equation
5- The case of mixtures

III Critical phenomena : qualitative approaches
1- Weiss molecular field
2- Variational mean-field
3- Critical exponents
4- Landau theory
5- Correlation functions and Ginsburg-Landau functional
6- Validity of mean-field

IV Renormalisation group ideas
1- What are the problems ?
2- Definition of a renormalisation group transformation
3- Fixed points and universality
4- Scale invariance, critical exponents, and finite size scaling
5- Two-dimensional systems and conformal invariance

Web pages of the course:
For the first seven weeks (E. Trizac)
For the next six weeks:
Soft-Matter track (M. Lenz)
Quantum Physics & Condensed Matter tracks (F. van Wijland, M. Fagotti)

Quick links

Next student seminar :
Access to the program

Here you can find information about your internships:
Experimental Internship - Undergraduate program
Master ICFP first year Internship

News : ICFP Research seminars
November 14 - 18, 2022 :

All information about the program

Contact us - Student support and Graduate School office :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60