
Introduction to many-body physics of fermions and bosons

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Faculty : Pascal Simon and Michele Casula

ECTS credits : 3

Language of instruction : English

Description :
This course aims at introducing modern methods of many-body theory to M2 students. After some general motivations, we will lay the foundation of many-body physics by presenting fundamental tools such as Green functions and diagrammatic expansions formalisms. We will apply these tools to some concrete examples in condensed matter physics and cold atoms in order to connect the theoretical framework to standard observables. Finally, the course will give an overview on the latest numerical developments in the field.
Outlook of the course:
0) General introduction and some reminder.
Strong local interaction; role of dimensionality of particle statistics
I) Green function formalism
- Green function at T=0. Application to free fermions.
- The resonant level model and Friedel oscillations.
- Spectral representations.
- Finite temperature Matsubara Green functions
II) Introduction to Feynman diagrams
- Interaction representation and Wick theorem
- Perturbative expansion of Green functions and Feynman diagrams
- Application to electron-phonon interaction
- Application to electron-electron interaction
III) Introduction to quantum impurity models
- Anderson model and various limiting cases
- Feynman diagrams in the Anderson model.
- Application to transport in quantum dots.
IV) Phenomenology of the Fermi liquid.
- Notion of quasi-particle excitation
- Self-energy and spectral consequences
V) Dynamical Mean Field Theory
- Bethe lattice
- Lattice Embedding to a Quantum impurity model
- Hubbard model from a dynamical mean field perspective
- Mott transition
- Critical exponents
VI) Many-body theories for ab initio calculations
- Hedin’s equations
- GW approximation
- Bosonic degrees of freedom: plasmons and phonons
Examination: oral exam

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Here you can find information about your internships:
Experimental Internship - Undergraduate program
Master ICFP first year Internship

News : ICFP Research seminars
November 14 - 18, 2022 :

All information about the program

Contact us - Student support and Graduate School office :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60