
"Physics Now" Seminars 2021/2022

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Experimental Internship - Undergraduate program
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News : ICFP Research seminars
November 14 - 18, 2022 :

All information about the program

Contact us - Student support and Graduate School office :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60

Having a broad view of the main current research topics is difficult but crucial to choose
the internship and PhD subjects, and more generally the research directions in physics.
During the first semester, a series of seminars “Physics Now” will allow the M2 ICFP students
to broad their knowledge on the current hot topics in physics and get information on
research groups and themes in France and abroad.

Seminars are organised for each program; students of one program are welcome to attend
the seminars of another if the schedule permits.

Schedule of the Seminars

“Quantum Physics and Condensed matter Now”

Wednesday 27th October, at 12:30 - room L361
Antoine Browaeys (Institut d’Optique) - Quantum simulation with atomic arrays

Wednesday 10th November, at 12:30 - room J. Jaurès
Jean Dalibard (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Collège de France) - Cold atomic gases: A unique window on quantum matter

Wednesday 24th November, at 12:30 - room L361
Pascal Degiovanni (Laboratoire de Physique, ENS-Lyon) - Quantum electricity : from Ampère to electron quantum optics

Wednesday 15th December, at 12:30 - room L361
François Dubin (INSP lab, CNRS and Sorbonne University) - Many-body physics and quantum information in solid-state: a state of the art

“Theoretical Physics Now”

Tuesday 26th October at 11:30am
Adam Falkowski (Laboratoire de Physique Theorique d’Orsay) - Physics beyond the Standard Model

Abstract: The Standard Model is the most fundamental theory that we have at our disposal. Since its conception 50 years ago it has passed multiple experimental tests, sometimes with stunning precision. In this talk I will summarize the motivations for considering new particles and interactions not included in the Standard Model. I will also discuss the most promising directions of research in physics beyond the Standard Model.

Tuesday 09th November
Lenka Zdeborova - interface statistical physics/compute science

Tuesday 23h November
Eric Vanden-Eijnden - out of equilibrium physics

Tuesday 07h December
Mariana Grana - quantum gravity

Tuesday 12h December
Pasquale Serpico - cosmological and gravitational physics

“Soft matter Now”

Wednesday 13th October at 01:00pm - room L378
Lydéric Bocquet (LPENS) - nano soft matter

Wednesday 20th October at 01:00pm - room L378
Leonid Mirny (MIT) - chromatin biophysics

Wednesday 10th November at 01:00pm - room L378
Joshua Weitz (Georgia Tech) - epidemiological biophysics

Thursday 25th November at 01:00pm - room L367
Teresa Lopez-Leon (ESPCI) - liquid crystals

Thursday 02nd December at 01:00pm - room L361
Suzie Protière (Institut d’Alembert SU) - complex fluids and hydrodynamic instabilities

Quick links

Next student seminar :
Access to the program

Here you can find information about your internships:
Experimental Internship - Undergraduate program
Master ICFP first year Internship

News : ICFP Research seminars
November 14 - 18, 2022 :

All information about the program

Contact us - Student support and Graduate School office :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60