
The Dark Energy equation of state from an X-­‐ray cluster survey

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Cluster of galaxies are the largest gravitationally bound entities in the universe.
As such, they constitute one of the local cosmological probes, complementary
to the measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at very early times.
Clusters are especially relevant because they test both the growth of cosmic structure
and the geometry of the universe.
They are powerful X-­‐ray emitters, thanks to the hot plasma (T 10^7 K) filling
the space between the galaxies.More information here

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Stages L3
Stages M1 ICFP

Actualités : Séminaire de Recherche ICFP
du 14 au 18 novembre 2022 :

Retrouvez le programme complet

Contact - Secrétariat de l’enseignement :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60
