Program, courses and calendar Master ICFP 2nd year 2019-2020

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The second year is organized around four different programs : Condensed Matter Physics, Soft Matter and biological physics, Quantum Physics and Theoretical Physics.
The first semester is dedicated to courses (30 ECTS). Each student enrolls in a program in wich he/she follows compulsory and optional courses. In exceptional cases, the student can include in his/her program one optional course from another area of study, in agreement with his/her head of studies.
In second semester, four optional courses will be chosen from any program (4x3 ECTS). These optional courses must be approved by the head of the studies.
Students are expected to complete an internship relevant to their course of study (18 ECTS) April to june, in France or abroad.

Condensed Matter Physics

Head of studies Marco SAITTA
Semester 1 Three compulsory modules :
Statistical physics
Condensed Matter Theory
Structural and electronic properties of solids
Two optional modules (2 x 6 ECTS) to be chosen from the list of S1 courses. Timetable compatibility is guaranteed for :
Numerical Physics : algorithms and computations
Magnetism and superconductivity
Modern electronic structure methods
Fundamentals of nanostructures
Semester 2 Four courses (4 x 3 ECTS) to be chosen from the list of S2 courses. Recommanded courses :
Quantum transport and mesoscopic physics
[Introduction to many body physics of fermions and bosons>art2283]
An introduction to topological order
Quantum optics in condensed matter
Physics of 2D Materials
Novel functionalities in complex materials
Spin Physics
One Course (3 ECTS) could be chosen from all the program Master of Physics. It must be approved by the head of the studies..

Soft matter and biological physics (ex physique macroscopique et complexité)

Head of studies Frédéric RESTAGNO
Semester 1 Three compulsory courses (3x6 ECTS) :
Statistical physics
Physics of fluids
Soft matter physics
Two optional courses (2 x 6 ECTS) to be chosen from the list of S1courses. Timetable compatibility is guaranteed for :
Modern electronic structure methods
Numerical Physics : algorithms and computations
Non linear physics and morphogenesis
Advanced Methods in biological physics and soft matter
Semester 2 Four courses (4 x 3 ECTS) to be chosen from the list of S2 courses. Recommanded courses :
Information, inference, networks : from statistical physics to big biological data
[Introduction to many body physics of fermions and bosons>art2283]
Soft solids
Physics of perception
Brownian motion and stochastic processes
Geophysical fluid dynamics
Rheology of complex fluids
System biophysics
One Course (3 ECTS) could be chosen from all the program Master of Physics. It must be approved by the head of the studies.


Quantum Physics

Head of studies Jakob REICHEL
Semester 1 Three compulsory courses (3 x 6 ECTS)
Advanced quantum mechanics
Statistical physics
And one of the following :
Atoms and photons
Condensed Matter Theory
Two optional modules (2x6 ECTS) to be chosen from the list of S1 courses. Timetable compatibility is guaranteed for the following options
Atoms and photons
Condensed Matter Theory
Symmetries and Quantum Field Theory
Magnetism and superconductivity
Modern electronic structure methods
Numerical Physics : Algorithms and Computations
Statistical Physics : advances and new Applications
General Relativity
Semester 2 Four courses (4x3 ECTS) to be chosen from the list of S2 courses among which we suggest :
Ultra cold Atoms
Quantumtransport and mesoscopic physics
Quantum Information
Non-linear, ultrafast and quantum optics
Waves in disordered media and localization phenomena
Introduction to many body physics of fermions and bosons
Quantum optics in condensed matter
Quantum machines : quantum physics with electrical circuits and mechanical resonators
One Course (3 ECTS) could be chosen from all the program Master of Physics. It must be approved by the head of the studies.


Theoretical Physics

Heads of studies Fréderic Van-Wijland - Amir-Kian Kashani Poor
Semester 1 Two courses compulsory (2 x 6 ECTS)
Quantum Field Theory
Statistical Physics : advanced and new Applications

3 optional modules (3x 6 ECTS) to be chosen from the list of first semester modules -
Timetable compatibility is guaranteed for the following options :
Lie groups, Lie algebras and representations
Statistical Field Theory and applications
General Relativity
Numerical Physics : Algorithms and Computations
Semester 2 4 courses to be chosen from the list of the second semester :
Advanced Topics in Quantum Field Theory
String Theory
Complex systems : from physics to social sciences
Differential geometry and gauge theory
Information, Inference, Networks : from Statistical Physics to Big Biological Data
Quantum Field Theory II
Particle Physics : The Standard Model
Selected topics in statistical field theory
Statistical Physics2 : Dispordered Systems and Interdisciplinary Applications
Conformal Field Theory
Introduction to Classical and Quantum Integrability
Introduction to AdS/CFT
Machine Learning
One Course (3 ECTS) could be chosen from all the program Master of Physics. It must be approved by the head of the studies.

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Here you can find information about your internships:
Experimental Internship - Undergraduate program
Master ICFP first year Internship

News : ICFP Research seminars
November 14 - 18, 2022 :

All information about the program

Contact us - Student support and Graduate School office :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60