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Actualités : Séminaire de Recherche ICFP
du 14 au 18 novembre 2022 :

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We collect internships proposal in this section.
2018-2019 :

2017-2018 :


EPFL in Quantum optomechanics

Internship proposed by here : IMG/Fellowship_Master_EPFL_2012.pdf | ↦ Lire la suite

Cosmology in Carnegie Mellon

Professor Shirley Ho’s group at McWilliams Center for Cosmology at Carnegie Mellon University is seeking several interns to participate in a variety of research in astrophysics. In particular, the group seeks individuals who are interested in (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Institut Langevin (Paris, FRANCE)

Étude des modes de Lamb à vitesse de groupe nulle engendrés par effet thermo-élastique dans les plaques collées. | ↦ Lire la suite

Calgary in theoretical quantum optics

RESEARCH PROJECTS IN THEORETICAL QUANTUM OPTICS, CHRISTOPH SIMON, UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY I am looking for masters students who are interested in doing their research project in my theoretical quantum optics group at the University of Calgary. (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Optomechanics in Basel

Spin-optomechanics proposed by Prof. Patrick Maletinsky Department of Physics, University of Basel | ↦ Lire la suite

Carnegie Mellon in computational solid state physics

Computational Solid State Physics First principles quantum mechanics based calculations combined with statistical mechanics can predict complex crystal structure and alloy phase stability. Research experience in this area is offered in (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Mechanics of actin, UC London

Mechanics of the cellular actin cortex using Atomic Force Microscopy Guillaume Charras (, London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London, London, UK. See Leo Valon for local (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Femtosecond spectroscopy, Japon in Okinawa Contact : Keshav Dani ( ) Possible financial support. Local contact : Jérôme Tignon | ↦ Lire la suite

Cavendish lab, optoelectronics

Microwave investigations of photo-transport and exciton fission in organic conductors | ↦ Lire la suite

ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences

Experimental internship in cold atoms physics in Barcelona | ↦ Lire la suite

ENS Lyon

Emergence de mouvements collectifs dans des populations de robots colloïdaux Modélisation d’un banc de poissons Encadrant Denis Bartolo. Logement pris en charge. | ↦ Lire la suite

Cambridge (bilayer graphene 2013)

Towards THz emission from interlayer phonons in bilayer graphene | ↦ Lire la suite

MSC Paris 7 (Non linear physics)

MSC Paris 7 Génération d’ondes à la surface d’un fluide par un fond mobile. Statistiques spatiales en turbulence d’ondes gravito-capillaires. | ↦ Lire la suite

Center of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology, Bielefeld

Visual collision avoidance inspired by flying insect neurobiology | ↦ Lire la suite

Biophysics, Sydney, Australia

Artificial synthesis of nature’s most sophisticated nanoscale motor Building bioinspired nanodevices | ↦ Lire la suite

Internship opportunities in quantum sensing (Basel)

The "Quantum Sensing Group" at the University of Basel is offering various opportunities for student internships for durations of several months, with possible starting dates in the beginning of 2015. The group’s research is centered around the (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Internship opportunities in quantum sensing (Basel)

The "Quantum Sensing Group" at the University of Basel is offering various opportunities for student internships for durations of several months, with possible starting dates in the beginning of 2015. The group’s research is centered around the (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Biophysics in Australia (Brisbane)


Internship LKB in Jussieu : quantum optics team

Propagation d’un condensat de polaritons dans un potentiel reconfigurable optiquement. Dispositif Hybride : nanofibre optique / émetteur quantique individuel | ↦ Lire la suite

condensed matter theory division at Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems(MPI-PKS), Dresden, Germany.

Projects related to the diverse research activities undertaken by the members of the vibrant condensed matter theory division headed by Professor Roderich Moessner (webpage : | ↦ Lire la suite

Computational material science at UCLA

We have internship positions available in the area of computational material science, with a focus on composition-structure-properties relationships in silicate glasses, assessed by molecular dynamics simulations. Specific properties of interest (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

UC Santa Cruz

The department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at UC Santa Cruz has a strong focus group in Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics with Nic Brummell (specialist in dynamo theory, compressible MHD) Pascale Garaud (double-diffusive convection, (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Anderson localization of light in monodisperse TiO2 nanospheres (Konstanz)

When waves diffuse through a random medium, the mean free path l* is no longer the only length scale determining the physical situation. Due to interferences, additional effects will appear on the scale of the wavelength. A striking prediction (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Grey molasses laser cooling of lithium for improved photoassociation spectroscopy (Singapore)

Grey molasses laser cooling of lithium for improved photoassociation spectroscopy : This internship offers an opportunity to enter a state of the art lab and work with ultracold atoms. The goals are : modify existing diode laser system, (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Towards a 1%-accurate distance scale using Cepheid pulsating stars (ESO Chile)

Towards a 1%-accurate distance scale using Cepheid pulsating stars keywords : Stellar astrophysics ; Numerical modelling ; Data analysis ; Astronomical Observations Context : We are seeking an Master’s student to join our team studying (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Towards a 1%-accurate distance scale using Cepheid pulsating stars (ESO Chile)

Towards a 1%-accurate distance scale using Cepheid pulsating stars keywords : Stellar astrophysics ; Numerical modelling ; Data analysis ; Astronomical Observations Context : We are seeking an Master’s student to join our team studying (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Droplet durotaxis on very soft substrates (Manchester)

Droplet durotaxis on very soft substrates Prof Anne Juel, Manchester Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics, University of Manchester, UK ( The spreading of liquid droplets on stiff, flat surfaces is governed by the (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Instabilities in hydrogels or Collective behaviours in autonomous active particles (Harvard)

Internship Proposal (Mahadevan’s lab/Harvard University) Our group at Harvard is interested in self-organisation, hydrodynamic and elasticity in artificial or biological systems (see for more information) (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Wake of inertial waves , laboratoire FAST (Orsay)

Fluids submitted to global rotation, as observed in geophysics and astrophysics, support the propagation of a specific class of waves, called inertial waves, which propagate in the bulk of the fluid. These anisotropic waves present remarkable (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Princeton/Hydro, MHD, Astro

Responsable : Daniel LECOANET, Princeton University, Center for Theoretical Science and Department of Astrophysical Sciences lecoanet/index.html Project 1 : Nonlinear optimization and large (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Cosmologie et formation des galaxies au Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Toronto, Canada

Cosmologie et formation des galaxies au Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Toronto, Canada abstract : Les galaxies ne sont pas de simples îles distribuées uniformément dans l’Univers. Elles forment un véritable réseau en bulles de savon (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Entreprise Cailabs

Stage de master recherche : optimisation de procédés de fabrication nanométrique (H/F) L’entreprise : La société CAILabs est une startup fondée en 2013 qui commercialise des solutions innovantes fondées sur sa technologie de mise en forme spatiale de la (...) | ↦ Lire la suite


Il s’agit de sujets de physique interdisciplinaire, deux portent sur des questions de physique statistique appliqués aux neurosciences ou bien aux sciences sociales, et un porte sur la biophysique du système visuel basé sur un nouveau jeu de données (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Hybrid cavity quantum electrodynamic with Rydberg atoms and superconducting qubits ETH Zurich

Light-matter enhancement in cavity quantum electrodynamics systems is a powerful resource for quantum information processing. Superconducting qubits coupled to microwave resonators are among the most promising systems to build a quantum (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Microscopic understanding of cryogenic rejuvenation (2016-2017)

Internship between Grenoble and Vancouver about Microscopic understanding of cryogenic rejuvenation. Amorphous materials evolve out of equilibrium in a complex potential energy landscape, and generally undergo a constant evolution in time, (...) | ↦ Lire la suite


The aim of the internship is to simulate Rayleigh-Bénard convection at Ra between 107 and 109 to study the behaviour of the fluctuations. Statistics of temperature, velocity, and heat transport will be in particular investigated. The goal would (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Basel : Computational & Systems Biology

cell-to-cell variability in changing environments or theory of gene regulation and theory of genome evolution Contacts :, | ↦ Lire la suite


InteracTeam research group based at the University of New South Wales, Sydney (UNSW). We are part of the newly created EMBL node in Australia, Single Molecule Science Group (SMS). Our group uses single-molecule biophysical techniques to (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Saint Gobain Recherche : Matériaux absorbants pour couche mince contrôle solaire à haute sélectivité

Ce stage vise à explorer les possibilités offertes par de nouveaux matériaux absorbants dans les produits couches minces développés chez Saint-Gobain sur verre et film plastique, dans le but d’améliorer les apports énergétiques dans l’habitat et (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Maths and neurosciences

Different internships are proposed at CIRB (collège de France) in the team of Equipe de Neurosciences Mathématiques with J. Toboul Modèles de dynamiques aléatoires hors équilibre de prise de décision collective Functional organization of vision in (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Maths and neurosciences

Different internships are proposed at CIRB (collège de France) in the team of Equipe de Neurosciences Mathématiques with J. Toboul Modèles de dynamiques aléatoires hors équilibre de prise de décision collective Functional organization of vision in (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Ecoulement et effondrement de matériaux granulaires humides / Fusion d’une bille sur un substrat chaud et étalement liquide (12/2016)

Le laboratoire d’Alembert à l’UPMC propose deux stages : L’acheminement de granulats dans l’industrie ou les écoulements gravitaires dans la nature motivent de nombreuses études pour comprendre la loi de comportement d’un matériau granulaire ou d’une (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

The Dark Energy equation of state from an X-­‐ray cluster survey

Cluster of galaxies are the largest gravitationally bound entities in the universe. As such, they constitute one of the local cosmological probes, complementary to the measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at very early times. (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Interprétation des données de Gravity pour l’accrétion (Chili, 2018)

GRAVITY, l’imageur interférométrique de 2ème génération du VLTI (Chili) dans l’infrarouge proche, a été développé pendant environ 10 ans pour mener des observations à haute résolution angulaire du Centre Galactique, de noyaux actifs de galaxies et de disques (...) | ↦ Lire la suite


Internship in Bar Ilan university Superconducting flux qubits are often considered as a leading potential candidate for the physical realization of quantum computers. In the last years, improvements of flux qubit architectures have led to an (...) | ↦ Lire la suite


Internship subjects Contact : Luc Deike,, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University. (2017) Breaking waves at the water surface (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

CNRS/Saint Gobain : 2 internships 2017/2018

2 internships in collaboration between St Gobain and FAST lab in Orsay : Flow of suspension : from transport to clog Drainage of suspension : from rice sticking to capillary trapping Contact : (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Theory of Quantum Computation with Continuous Variables

More information here Contact : | ↦ Lire la suite

Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Disordered Silicate Materials by Machine Learning

More information here | ↦ Lire la suite

Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Disordered Silicate Materials by Machine Learning

More information here | ↦ Lire la suite

Understanding collective cell behavior from active gel theory

More information here | ↦ Lire la suite

Understanding collective cell behavior from active gel theory

More information here | ↦ Lire la suite

Mentors : Jonathan Touboul (Department of...

Mentors : Jonathan Touboul (Department of Mathematics, Brandeis University) Laurent Venance (CIRB - Collège de France, Paris) Duration : 3 to 6 months Location : Brandeis University, Waltham (Massachusetts) In the brain, neurons interact (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Internship in computational neuroscience New models of synaptic plasticity : beyond bistability

Mentors : Jonathan Touboul (Department of Mathematics, Brandeis University) Laurent Venance (CIRB - Collège de France, Paris) Duration : 3 to 6 months Location : Brandeis University, Waltham (Massachusetts) In the brain, neurons interact (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Towards microfluidics application of the bacterial flagellar motor, Sydney, Matt Baker

Supervisor Name : Dr Matt Baker, Scientia Research Fellow, UNSW Sydney, Australia Contact details : Email – Phone – +61 2 9385 1255 Proposal | ↦ Lire la suite

Leiden, Martin van Hecke’s lab

3 proposals in Van Hecke’s lab in Leiden : Non-Abelian Metamaterials ; Non-Euclidean Origami ; Self-folding Metamaterials. All informations in the attached document | ↦ Lire la suite

Soft matter and Hydrodynamics :University of California at Santa...

Location : University of California at Santa Barbara, USA (UCSB) Contact : Alban Sauret asauret/ Erosion of a cohesive granular bed Wetting dynamics and flow over hairy surfaces (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Detection of planets in accretion disks-Astrophysics-Santiago du Chili

La naissance d’une étoile s’accompagne de la formation d’un disque d’accrétion qui forme le réservoir de matière nécessaire à la formation des planètes. Ce disque accompagne l’étoile jeune pendant une courte durée - environ 10 millions d’années. Depuis (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

Matter Out of Equilibrium Laboratory of the Universidad de Chile

2 internship proposals in Santiago de Chile : Wave-vortex interaction in a wave turbulence configuration. Non-linear Fano resonances in water waves. More information here. Supervision with C. Falcon : Claudio (...) | ↦ Lire la suite

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Stages L3
Stages M1 ICFP

Actualités : Séminaire de Recherche ICFP
du 14 au 18 novembre 2022 :

Retrouvez le programme complet

Contact - Secrétariat de l’enseignement :
Tél : 01 44 32 35 60
